What Bed Does Your Dog Want?

What Bed Does Your Dog Want?

We all have those moments where we realize it's time to get our dog a new bed. 

They usually come about when their previous bed has holes, is worn down, and smells. But have you ever thought about what kind of bed your pup might like? Just like humans, pets can prefer certain bed types over others. Some dogs might love a classic square bed, where others will scoff and turn their nose up at it (it's true we've seen it). 

This may seem silly but your pet is probably giving you more clues than you think as to which beds they'd like best. We'll help you breakdown their behavior to reveal what mattress is the best fit for their "doggo" lifestyle. Now bear in mind, this will involve some looking at dogs (we know this will be hard but we believe in you) and assessing their sleeping positions. 

1.Sleeping Style

Have you ever noticed that your dog will sleep curled all tight in a ball? What about sprawled out as if they must claim all the space in the world? This can help guide you in the direction of the style of bed to purchase. A pup that likes to curl up nice and tight might benefit more from a "cave" bed or something with corner to snuggle into. A sprawler on the other hand, would prefer a bed with room to spare for them to stretch out their adorable toe beans as they snooze. Another group to consider is the head resters. We're talking about the dogs that always have to perch their chins up on whatever is nearest. They would enjoy beds with sides if they've rejected beds in the past.

2. Temperature of Bed

Some dogs have such thick fur that they can overheat easily, while others have thin short hair which helps them regulate temperature. Both of these are important to think of when choosing your bed. A husky might not enjoy a cave bed as much as a short haired dog because it might be too warm and vice versa! If your dog is consistently seeking out  the hard floor since it's cooler, consider getting a bed with a cooling gel layer. If your pet is always searching for a warm spot to snooze in, consider a bed with insulating fiber that will reflect their natural body heat. Taking these factors into consideration can help increase the chances of your pup using the bed.

You can find above bed by here

3. Age and Activity Level 

As hard as it can be to admit, dogs age faster than us. With older age comes issues like arthritis and hip dysplasia.  This can lead to a need for a firmer and thicker supporting mattress. When searching for a bed consider purchasing one that's made with memory foam to help soothe joints and ease pressure points. Your dog is sure to thank you with a woof! 

You can find above bed by here.

4. Style 

Although this purchase is made for your precious fur child, it is still important that you like it as well! Whatever your aesthetic is, you're sure to find a dog bed that matches it. 

With all of this in mind, we've broken down which bed fits which sleeping style best for you here. Click on the one that most matches your dog's sleeping personality to see our recommendations! Most of these items are customizable with different mattress bases such as memory foam or cooling gel.