10 Ways to Help Your Dog Enjoy Car Travel

10 Ways to Help Your Dog Enjoy Car Travel

Leaving your dog at home, for what may feel like forever, can lead some dogs to experience depression and separation anxiety. In some cases, this may even cause health issues. But why leave your furry friends behind when you can take them on car travels? Trust me, you’re not only tightening the human-animal bond but your dog will be forever grateful for it. If you agree, can I get a woof woof!?

Before you embark on your travel adventures, I’ve rounded up the top 10 ways to help them enjoy the whole experience – from the moment they go inside the car until they reach the destination.


1. Practice Safety Measures

I’ve always been used to letting my dog, “Yellow”, frolic in the car without a leash until that one dreadful day she heard a cat and half her body was hanging outside the moving vehicle. I almost had a heart attack! So the first tip is to restrain your dogs with a Car Seat Safety Clip for utmost security. That way, they can put their heads out the window with tongues lolling out – safely.

2. Prohibit them from Jumping

We know how dogs can get super excited and they tend to jump because of this. Also, we know that all too familiar falsetto sound we tend to make when communicating with them. This might also get them excited. To ensure they don’t jump in your direction when you call them, place a Travel Pet Banner Pet Barrier between you and your dog.

3.Take Bathroom Breaks Frequently

Just like traveling with a child, your dogs are also somewhat like little children who need to potty more often. The only difference is – they can’t tell you when! During a long journey, stop for relaxing, stretching, or for a little walk when necessary. Dogs can only hold it for around four hours, after that, it’s can be distressing for them.

4. Make Them Comfortable

Safety should be of the essence when driving with your dog but being in a car can sometimes stress out dogs who aren’t used to it. Let them see that a car is a happy place and that the whole experience will turn out positive. Bring their favorite chew toys or dolls and give them the freedom to play of course on breaks during your road trip.

5. Never Leave Your Dog in a Parked Car

There have been countless incidents where dogs die because they were left in a hot car by owners who didn't know the risks involved in this situation. Leaving your dog in a parked car especially on a hot day is extremely dangerous! This can lead to heatstroke! If you need to be somewhere important during your car travel, you can carry your small dogs in an Backpack or bring them for your larger furry children.


6. Never Feed Your Dog before the Trip

Unless you want a smelly surprise in your newly-cleaned and detailed car, then don’t feed your dogs minutes before the trip. Try to do it hours beforehand so your dogs will have time to relieve themselves OUTSIDE and not INSIDE the car. This also helps them avoid getting carsick – yes dogs do get carsick too!

7. Bring a Dog First-Aid Kit

We’re serious with this one because you never know when a mishap might happen and you’ll be thankful you listened you had this on hand. In case an accident happens, take control of the situation by keeping these handy:


  • Gauze
  • Tweezers
  • 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Wraps for legs and paws
  • Sterile pads (Non-adhesive)
  • Muzzle
  • Towel
  • Blanket
  • Penlight
  • First-aid pet book     

  • 8.Search for Dog Clinics before Your Trip

    If an unfortunate event happens and your dog will need further vet assistance, search for vet clinics or an after-hours emergency animal hospital so your dog can get aid immediately. Store the contact numbers on your phone and don’t panic.

  • 9. Don’t Pressure Your Dog

    You want the first car travel experience to be a memorable one for your dog because trust me, they easily get traumatized. A couple of children once jumped on my dog when she was a puppy and she’s still traumatized until now – she’s 8. Take it one step at a time. Get your dogs used to being inside the car and when they’re over that phase, take shorter trips and extend them by the day. Don’t push them to do things, let it happen naturally.

  • 10. Reward them with Their Favorite Treats

    Once you get to your destination, show your dogs that they’re the best pet ever for getting through the whole journey and that they have a fun day ahead. Reward them with treats and take them for walks. Also, be mindful of the rules, if any. Some places may require dogs to be on a leash so adhere to the rules to maintain safety for everybody – dogs and humans alike.

    Traveling with your dog can either be a fun or horrendous experience. And a dog may never want to go through the entire process again if it’s the latter. So make sure you keep your dogs happy all throughout the trip and they can be the best travel companion you’ll ever have!
