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Arturo está encantado con su almohadilla térmica. Es un perro bastante friolero y ahora que ha llegado el invierno le si...View more
Arturo está encantado con su almohadilla térmica. Es un perro bastante friolero y ahora que ha llegado el invierno le sienta genial. Cuando vuelve de sus paseos tanto por la mañana como por la tarde, le encendemos la almohadilla y el solo se coloca encima de ella. Nos encanta ver como el mismo la busca, y nosotros lo entendemos como una señal que el la encuentra muy cómoda. Personalmente los que nos encantó es que es que tiene un diseño muy sencillo, no requiere ningún tipo de montaje y que tiene el cable reforzado para que Arturo no lo pueda morder. Todavía es un cachorro y quiere morder cualquier cosa, pero creo que la almohadilla le gustó tanto que no ha intentado morderla por ningún lado, ni siquiera el cable. El material de la almohadilla también se ve y se siente muy suave. Nos proporciona tranquilidad el hecho de que tenga el sistema de autorregulación del calor, y Arturo se queda dormido en ella y se ve muy relajado, así que entendemos que recibe la cantidad de calor adecuada para estar a gusto y no siente ningún tipo de molestia. Antes de recibir la almohadilla a veces Arturo se escondía tapándose totalmente dentro de sábanas o mantas para buscar calorcito, pero ya ha dejado de hacerlo y puede recibir el calor de la almohadilla respirando bien. Está súper para ponerla sobre cualquier superficie ya que es muy estable. Nosotros se la ponemos encima del sofá o en el suelo.
Sugerencia: Pensamos que sería un producto súper completo por el cual como consumidores estaríamos dispuestos a pagar más si se pudiera cambiar la temperatura para hacer que la almohadilla fuera calentita en invierno y fría en el verano, para incluso darle más uso. En este caso podría ser también doubleface para utilizar el lado más suave y calentito en invierno y el otro lado más fresco para el verano.
El hecho de que funcione a corriente limita las posibilidades de utilizo al exterior. No sé si es posible y compatible con la autorregulación del calor, pero yo personalmente para mi misma tengo una almohadilla que se calienta conectándola a la corriente y luego se queda caliente más o menos durante una hora (creo que es porque tiene agua en su interior, no estoy segura) y sería genial si la almohadilla para el perro pudiera funcionar de forma similar y si pudiésemos cargarla en casa por ejemplo y que pudiera proporcionarle calor fuera (si estamos en un bar o restaurante por ejemplo).
El cable puede resultar un poco corto. A Arturo le encanta utilizarlo en el sofá y tenemos que utilizar un prolongador del cable. Se podría pensar en hacerlo más largo.
Meine Katzen durften ein neues Kratzbrett von Pecute testen. Kaum hatte ich es ausgepackt, haben sie mich schon neugieri...View more
Meine Katzen durften ein neues Kratzbrett von Pecute testen. Kaum hatte ich es ausgepackt, haben sie mich schon neugierig umzingelt. Sie haben es sofort genau untersucht. Dann ging es schon los und mein Kater hat seine Krallen ausgiebig daran gewetzt. Danach wurde er von meiner Katze abgelöst, die es ebenfalls schön zum Wetzen genutzt hat. Inzwischen haben wir es einige Tage, und sie wetzen täglich ihre Krallen daran und schlafen jetzt sogar darin. Es scheint also ganz offensichtlich auch sehr gemütlich zu sein. Durch den festen Karton von dem es umgeben ist, rutscht es nicht weg und hält so allem stand. Für Katzen, die vielleicht doch noch etwas Anregung mögen, ist sogar ein Päckchen Catnip zum Einstreuen enthalten. Auch das mochten meine Katzen sehr gerne. Besonders gut finde ich, dass das Kratzbrett wirklich super robust und sogar beidseitig verwendbar ist. So hat man noch länger etwas davon. Einfach die andere Seite weiter nutzen, wenn eine Seite abgenutzt sein sollte. Das ist sehr praktisch. Auch die Wellenform scheint meinen Katzen zu gefallen. Es ist jetzt schon nicht mehr hier wegzudenken, und ich bin komplett überzeugt davon. Fazit: Begeisterung und Freude, weil meine Katzen zum Krallen wetzen nicht mehr an die Möbel gehen, sondern nur noch an das tolle Kratzbrett von Pecute.
Es wäre vielleicht eine gute Idee, wenn man das Kratzbrett komplett in einen zusätzlichen Karton einfassen würde. Also nicht nur an den Seiten, sondern auch von unten. So könnte das eingestreute Catnip nicht mehr auf den Fußboden durchrieseln. Dann wäre es perfekt. Und es wäre denkbar, noch eine etwas größere Variante davon für größere Katzen anzubieten. Vielen Dank für den Test.
Amazing brush, very soft and kitten friendly. My baby kitten loved it more than the other brushes because of the wide br...View more
Amazing brush, very soft and kitten friendly. My baby kitten loved it more than the other brushes because of the wide brush layout and softness of the tips. It is very useable and works very well.
The only suggestion is that the button to push hair out is a bit wonky and you need a bit of force to push hair out after combing. Maybe make it more stronger by using stronger springs to push hair out of the brush
I was very positively surprised when I put it together.
I was looking for a sturdy car seat because my puppy gets ca...View more
I was very positively surprised when I put it together.
I was looking for a sturdy car seat because my puppy gets carsick, because he won't sit or lay down.
This carseat gives him something to lean on.
And I was most surprised by the very soft inner lining!
It's sturdy but super soft. Which makes it perfect.
Even the opening in the middle has soft lining.. which makes getting in super easy. But it makes an even better head rest for a pup that doesn't want to lay down, but can rest his head.
I definitely prefer this carseat over any of those soft car seats/beds. And it even looks super stylish.
Thank you!
Il tappetino è davvero stupendo! Le istruzioni sono molto chiare e l'utilizzo intuitivo. Servono alcuni minuti prima che...View more
Il tappetino è davvero stupendo! Le istruzioni sono molto chiare e l'utilizzo intuitivo. Servono alcuni minuti prima che si riscaldi e dopo di che diventa veramente confortevole per il proprio animale sdraiarsi sul cuscino morbido in velluto e riscaldarsi.
Inoltre, per lavarlo e pulirlo basta rimuovere la federa e il gioco è fatto.
Raccomandazione: Rendere il tubo più grande leggermente più flessibile
We have 5 cats, so I had a little army available to help me with reviewing this heating pad!
It came packaged v...View more
We have 5 cats, so I had a little army available to help me with reviewing this heating pad!
It came packaged very well and the cats were all over the shipping box, as cats do! The anti-chewing tube is amazing to help keep the cats safe and it was easy enough to set up. The manual is very clear and easy to use, so I had the heating pad in use in no time.
I noticed that the heating pad warmed up quite fast and 4 out of the 5 cats have slept on it. The size I had in use was M, and it is perfect for the cat's body sizes. The cable is long enough for all the spaces I used the heating pad in. It was always long enough to reach a near socket.
Two out of our five cats mostly live outside, so a reliable and safe heating pad is a must to have, especially since we already had the first few nights of frost. We put down a few sleepingbaskets in our shed, so the cats can sleep in a dry space and there are sockets for the heatingpad.
One of the cats is a rescue Oriental Shorthair. He is mostly blind and deaf and because of his short hair, he loves warm spots. He loved to also crawl under the pad, it was so cute!
The two oldest cats have issues like you would expect that come with age. One has arthritis in her back legs, so keeping her warm is a priority, as it helps her moving around better and lessens the pain.
The oldest lady, is already 16 years! And she loved to stay warm on the heating pad to warm her old kitty bones.
Overall, according to the cats and I, it was a very positive experience! Taking care for animals and their different needs, is always a challenge and this heating pad really helped with taking care for them.
J’ai eu la chance de tester ce griffoir en carton, et je dois dire que j'en suis très satisfait, tout comme mon chat. Dè...View more
J’ai eu la chance de tester ce griffoir en carton, et je dois dire que j'en suis très satisfait, tout comme mon chat. Dès que je l'ai installé, il l'a immédiatement adopté, ce qui est un bon signe. Le griffoir est fait de carton de très bonne qualité, solide et résistant, ce qui me rassure sur sa durée de vie, même avec un usage régulier.
Un des aspects que j’apprécie particulièrement, c’est le fait qu’il soit réversible. Cela permet d'offrir plusieurs surfaces à griffer et de prolonger sa durée d’utilisation en alternant les côtés. Il se sépare également en 2 ce qui en change un peu le design et il y a un petit sachet d'herbe à chat fourni.
Mon chat semble vraiment apprécier cette texture pour faire ses griffes et s’y repose même dessus. Il est suffisamment grand pour convenir à des chats de tailles standard, tout en étant compact et facile à placer dans n’importe quelle pièce.
En résumé, c’est un produit de qualité, bien pensé, qui convient parfaitement aux besoins des chats et à ceux de leurs propriétaires!
The strap that goes over the left shoulder started digging into me after the first 10mins and became more and more of a ...View more
The strap that goes over the left shoulder started digging into me after the first 10mins and became more and more of a problem, meaning I needed to return home and take it off before it got any worse. Also the strap that connects from the bottom right of my body and connects to that of the top left felt quite weak and although it remained stable throughout use, it felt like it might well slip and give way. I had tightened it as much as possible but it still felt like it needed more tightening up to get in the right position for my body.
Después de utilizar el producto durante varios días, podemos decir que es sin duda de excelente calidad. Los materiales ...View more
Después de utilizar el producto durante varios días, podemos decir que es sin duda de excelente calidad. Los materiales duraderos y el diseño funcional lo hacen adecuado para cualquier coche y cualquier perro pequeño. La instalación fue rápida e intuitiva, sobre todo comparándola con otros probados anteriormente(de otras marcas). Los dos cinturones garantizan un anclaje perfecto tanto en los asientos delanteros como en los traseros.
El desmontaje es igual de cómodo, ya que una vez desatados los cinturones, el asiento se dobla fácilmente con un gesto rápido. Nuestro perro se sintió cómodo de inmediato y a diferencia de un producto similar que habíamos probado anteriormente, nos pareció más seguro para él gracias a las paredes más altas y rígidas. La altura de las paredes de hecho es ideal, ya que impide que el perro se salga, pero al mismo tiempo permite mantenerlo bajo control desde los asientos delanteros. Se nota que los materiales son muy duraderos porque aunque el perro estuvo rascando la parte inferior de la silla, no se quedó ningún rasguño. El diseño es simple pero bonito, y aunque hayan otros productos que puedan parecer más “aesthetic”, al final del día para nosotros lo más importante es la seguridad de nuestro perro y el cinturón de seguridad que se conecta directamente al anclaje del coche eleva considerablemente el nivel de seguridad: en caso de frenado brusco, se reduce el espacio de movimiento del perro, lo que automáticamente reduce el riesgo de golpes impactantes. Comprobando lo bueno que es para el perro, estamos muy satisfechos con el producto. Ahora que lo hemos probado, no volveremos atrás.
The product is done with very good material and is feeling very safe. For my car unfortunately is too big as I have a pe...View more
The product is done with very good material and is feeling very safe. For my car unfortunately is too big as I have a pegeout 107 and is not fitting. In my husband car as is bigger, he have a qashqay, yes. Ollie is 5.4 kg but it seems little too big for him. Anyway, is not staying firm and is moving little too much. Is easy to fit. The instructions inside in the car seat are not clear enough and we have to check online how to set up the car seat. Material is excellent and is looking easy to clean and low maintenance. I'm suggesting that the dimensions can be slightly smaller and to add another belt that is starting from the front of the dog car seat to be closed to the back of the actually car seat, to be more firm.
The bag is great, lightweight easy to flatpack and reassemble. Missy felt very comfortable, and seemed to enjoy that she...View more
The bag is great, lightweight easy to flatpack and reassemble. Missy felt very comfortable, and seemed to enjoy that she could poke her he'd up if she was curious, and dive down and hide if she wanted to. Plus seeing mummy's face and that I was paying attention to her seemed to reassure her a lot. Suggestion: The harness could possibly be padded. Would love to see additional colours.
Le sac est vraiment super ! Idéal pour transporter son chat avec un fond en tissu tout doux mais avec possibilité de ret...View more
Le sac est vraiment super ! Idéal pour transporter son chat avec un fond en tissu tout doux mais avec possibilité de retiré la housse pour la nettoyer en cas de problème. Il y’a plusieurs filets d’aérations ce qui est super pour la sécurité de notre chat. Il y’a également un petit crochet pour l’attacher à l’intérieur pour le sécuriser. Je recommande vraiment ce sac pour transporter votre chat en sécurité en lui offrant un maximum de confort
Eine ganz tolle Tasche, die wir gerne empfehlen! Arztbesuche, Restaurantbesuche, Auto fahren - alles kein Problem mehr. ...View more
Eine ganz tolle Tasche, die wir gerne empfehlen! Arztbesuche, Restaurantbesuche, Auto fahren - alles kein Problem mehr. Mit der tollen Tasche, die auch edel aussieht, kann Hundi überall mit hin und ist sicher darin. Ein Rückzugsort, wo er auch gerne schläft.
Ho recentemente provato la borsa Pecute per portare a spasso il mio cagnolino, e devo dire che sono davvero soddisfatta....View more
Ho recentemente provato la borsa Pecute per portare a spasso il mio cagnolino, e devo dire che sono davvero soddisfatta. La borsa ha un design elegante e moderno che mi piace molto, ma ciò che mi ha colpito di più è quanto sia pratica e comoda. Il materiale è resistente e di buona qualità, e l'interno è morbido e accogliente per il mio cane. La chiusura con cerniera è sicura e facile da usare, e le maniglie regolabili, insieme alla tracolla staccabile, rendono il trasporto davvero semplice. Una delle cose che apprezzo di più è la facilità di pulizia: il materiale è resistente ai liquidi e il rivestimento interno può essere rimosso e lavato, il che è fondamentale per me. Inoltre, le tasche esterne sono molto utili per tenere a portata di mano sacchetti e snack.In generale, la borsa Pecute si è rivelata una scelta eccellente per le passeggiate con il mio cane. Unisce un bel design a una grande funzionalità, e la consiglio a chi cerca una borsa pratica e stilosa😂
La mia Tiffany ama il suo nuovo accessorio. Finalmente non gratta più i miei divani, lo consiglio vivamente per chi ha g...View more
Ottimo prodotto Gigi ha apprezzato tantissimo, tiragraffi super resistente ✌🏼...View more
I love this bag. It’s sturdy and very well made. Inside there is a very comfortable mat. My dog loves to go in and lay d...View more
I love this bag. It’s sturdy and very well made. Inside there is a very comfortable mat. My dog loves to go in and lay down. Very handy when travelling and you can slip it over your suitcase handle. I didn’t get the shoulder belt with it and that’s a pity. Great bag and i love it.
Our cats love this scratcher. It’s great that you can use it in multiple ways: flat so the cats have a large scratching ...View more
Our cats love this scratcher. It’s great that you can use it in multiple ways: flat so the cats have a large scratching area and as a triangle so it becomes a place to play, hide and sleep in. The scratcher is of good quality and looks great! We are very happy with it!
The Pecute bag is very well made and extremely stylish. I love how there are three different ways in and out for my cat....View more
The Pecute bag is very well made and extremely stylish. I love how there are three different ways in and out for my cat.The shoulder strap is adjustable and extremely comfortable. There are also two handle straps that can be snapped together and used as another option. The bag is very breathable and allows for her to see her surroundings well.There is a removable lined pad in the bag and a convenient side pocket for storage. There is also nicely stitched padding on the sides for a smooth comfortable finish. My cat took right to the bag and is very comfortable with it.Overall I am very satisfied with the Pecute bag and it is perfect.
I use this for my sphynx cat, she is about 4.5kg. The size is big enough for her to move around. I use this bag to trave...View more
I use this for my sphynx cat, she is about 4.5kg. The size is big enough for her to move around. I use this bag to travel with her and she slept overnight in the bag and she loves it. And I really like the front zip and soft cover bottom . You have both sides and back pockets which is good to store treats or poop bags and stuff. It is easy and comfortable carrier. It’s soft so you can put on your shoulder nice but also firm bottom so pets inside is fine.
The carrier seems to be checking all of our boxes at the moment! It's breathable with lot's of net sections so that the ...View more
The carrier seems to be checking all of our boxes at the moment! It's breathable with lot's of net sections so that the cat is not suffocating in there, functional with lots and lots of pockets to carry all your necessities (or treats) and love the fact that a shoulder strap is also supplied in case we want to have that option! The carrier is really sturdy and even though it came flat packed once opened it keeps its shape and not falling like other carriers we used in the past. We also love the fact that the lining is removable and washable, we have another product from you - the car seat cover which is also washable and it's so convenient to be able to just throw them in the washing machine in case of any accidents. We really liked the quality and functionality of the carrier only one note was regarding the sherpa lining if it was more padded so that it's a bit more comfortable for the cats as they really like soft and comfy spots but for now I will just be adding an extra blanket for them in there.
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